
Monthly Archives: August 2011

since I last wrote anything.  I’ve been pretty quite for over a year, although I’m getting the urge to write more regularly.  The more blogs I read the more I want to write.  The days are getting longer, the mornings lighter and the sun isn’t setting quite so early.  We are on the way to the warmer months, the sun is trying to get through it just doesn’t have enough strength as yet.

Taught two classes this week.  I was filling in for another teacher which is always a challenge as the students have expectations about what the class will be like.  It was good see some of the same students from when I filled in last time, they have improved and were more confident in their own bodies and what they could and couldn’t do.  More importantly it was good to see some of the same faces, they have maintained a regular yoga practice throughout a cold winter – which is sometimes hard to do.  Well done.

I sometimes struggle with winter and having the motivation to leave the warmth of the indoors to get to class.  My routine is working better these days, early morning classes seem to work for me.  Attending a yoga class is similar to having the strength to hold the posses once you are there – it’s all in the mind.  We all need strength over the mind to do what we truly desire to do.  The mind at times can be our worst enemy until we learn how to harness it so it becomes our best friend.

It’s a continual push – pull struggle.  Little wins over the mind are sometimes our greatest triumphs.
